How to extend your tyres service life

The tyres lifespan depends both on their technical characteristics and operation conditions. While a car owner cannot affect the technical features, set by the manufacturer, he is still able to prevent the premature wear of tyres by changing their operating conditions. In this article we will talk about the measures that should be taken.

Why tyres wear out prematurely

1. High speed driving. Exceeding the speed index specified by the tyre maker leads to their overheating and sometimes to total pressure loss. When you overcome an obstacle at a high speed, the blow force is much higher that at a quiet driving. This significantly increases the risk of cord thread breakage, leads to wheel unbalance and damage to the suspension elements. Exceeding the permissible load index leads to similar consequences.

2. Aggressive driving style. Sharp start and braking result in heavy tread wear. At high speed cornering the outer tyre part wears out more. At emergency braking with a locked wheel the area contacting the road surface may wear out.

3. Improper tyre pressure. Statistically, tyres with the pressure level lower than recommended by 40% wear out faster by 60%.They are more subject to overheating, which reduces braking efficiency and their wear resistance. Besides, they become softer, which leads to increased fuel consumption and has a negative impact on the vehicle handling. In this case the tread edges are more exposed to wear. Too high pressure level leads to narrowing of the contact patch and increase of braking distance. In this case the central tread part wears out.

4. Non-compliance with weather conditions in which the vehicle operates. Winter tyres produced from soft material are significantly subject to abrasion wear. Summer tyres loose elasticity at low temperatures which substantially increases the risk of tyre break in case of puncture.

5. Wheel unbalance. In the result of uneven wheel rotation the tyre may wear out by separate spots along the entire tread surface.

6. Wheel misalignment. It reduces the useful life by 15-30%. It can be defined by one-sided tyre wear.

6 tips on preventing premature tyre wear

1. Regularly check the tyre pressure. Usually permissible pressure range is provided by the tyre manufacturer on its sidewall marking. The vehicle technical documentation also provides specific characteristics determined in compliance with the vehicle model and intended loads. Typically it is enough to match the figures, choose the average value and maintain the tyre pressure on a sufficient level. It is recommended to check if the tyres are flat once in two weeks on the average.

2. Check for the wheel alignment. The violation of suspension geometry is often indicated by indirect signs such as strange noise when driving, worse car handling, delayed response to steering, pulling to one side, and uneven tyre wear. If you see these signs, consult specialists right away to eliminate the fault.

3. Balance the wheels every season or every 15000 km. Wheel unbalance not only leads to premature tread wear, but also results in damage to suspension components. If you notice strange vibrations when driving contact tyre servicing specialists to balance the wheels.

4. Increase tyre pressure before storing your car for a long period. If you keep your vehicle off road for a long time, flat spots may appear on the tread surface that can lead to wheel wobble when driving. To prevent this, inflate your tyre to the maximum permissible level.

5. Give up aggressive driving. A quiet ride, smooth acceleration and braking will considerably help to prevent premature tyre wear.

6. Replace seasonal tyres in time. Winter tyres are designed for use at temperatures +7 °C and below, summer tyres are intended for temperatures +7 °C and higher. When daily average temperature stays on a certain level for a week, replace the tyres.

How to store your tyres between seasons

Car tyres have a certain life limit, which is not recommended to be exceeded. It is usually 5-7 years. But tyres can lose their initial properties earlier if you store them improperly.

To avoid this, adhere to 5 simple rules:

1. You should maintain steady temperature within optimal range in the location where you store your tyres. The best option is +15 °C. If it rises above +25 °C or falls below 0 °C, the rubber changes its properties.

2. It is important to avoid considerable humidity fluctuations, maintaining it within 50-80% range. You can use special airtight bags for this.

3. Storage of tyres outdoors is allowed for no longer than a month. And they must be protected against direct sunlight, moisture and dirt.

4. Tyres must be kept far from heaters, oils, solvents. Fluorescent lamps or other devices producing ozone are also prohibited.

5. Tyres on wheels can be stored horizontally or hanged. Tyres without wheels must be kept vertically. It is advisable to turn them once in 4 weeks changing the base. Hanging tyres without wheels or keeping them in piles is prohibited.


If you adhere to the part manufacturer's recommendations, monitor the state of suspension components and give up aggressive driving, you can considerably prolong the tyres useful life. It enables not only to save on buying a new tyre set, but improves your comfort and safety. Buy perfect quality tyres in the AutoDoc online store, follow our recommendations and the useful life of your tyres will be as long as possible.

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